Consciously incompetent

Reading time: 1 minute

When I was a child I hated to read. Today, at 27, reading is one of my favorite things to do, and the more I read and learn, the more I discover that I know nothing. (By the way, one of the things that has helped me “read” more is Audible, an Amazon group company, where I can buy books in audiobook format.)
I was surprised to discover that I am consciously incompetent, and that I had never thought of this until I read Josh Kaufman’s Personal MBA. It’s interesting to realize that the more we delve into an area, the more notion we have that we don’t really know that much about the subject as we thought we did after all.
Thinking about the inverse, I also realized that I have often been unconsciously incompetent and that it is normal to be so. The most common areas to realize this are soccer, politics, and education, because we can always have an opinion on these subjects.
What to do about it? Nothing. I think that if there is anything we have to resign ourselves to, it is that we will always be consciously incompetent about what we want and like to learn. And that’s not bad! It’s very good…

And you, what do you think?